Seeking help with forgiveness, healing, inner-peace, love, meditation? We can help.

Sunday Service
Zoom Wednesday Meditation              
For More information: 617-203-2066
 Unity Boston          
at Christ's Church Longwood              
We're on the journey of life together

11:00 AM
12:45 PM
  7:00 PM
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Unity Boston 70 Colchester Street, Brookline, MA 02446
©2011, Unity Boston at Christ's Church Longwood, All Rights Reserved.
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 is affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries, Unity Institute, and Silent Unity, publisher of Daily Word.


The Light of God surrounds me.
The Love of God enfolds me.
The Power of God protects me.
The Presence of God watches over me.
Wherever I am, God is. 
And all is well.
​                           James Dillet Freeman (adapted)

Plan on joining us at 11:00 AM this Sunday

Dr. Maya Angelou talks with Oprah Winfrey on Unity

In Need of Prayer?

We can help!
Christ's Church Longwood - Home of Unity Boston

You are invited to attend a  "ZOOM" Sunday Service on February 2, 2025, from 
Christ Church Unity Boston, 
70 Colchester Street, Brookline MA 02446.

The service will be on our ZOOM Platform and the lesson will be delivered by Rev. Evrol Officer at 11:00 AM. 

It will be the the First Sunday of February 2025 and will be focused on looking ahead with positive expectations. Working toward a goal helps us focus and keep us motivated. Please join us in looking ahead and using the power of GOD positively in these difficult times. 

The link for the Zoom service is:

Meeting ID: 813 6504 1930
Passcode: 271426

Daily Word:  Wonderful

​It truly is a wonderful world.

Anything can be awe-inspiring when I see the world as a wonderful place. Everything feels fresh and new to me when I behold God in all things. 

I see the presence of God in the artistry and creativity of human-made creations. I marvel at the beauty of diversity in the animal kingdom and the beauty of the natural world.

Every day becomes a celebration when I take time to fill my senses with appreciation of the world’s wonders. During moments of quiet contemplation, I also appreciate the wonders of my spiritual life. In my prayer time, I find the glory of God anew and grow in appreciation for the peace and perfection of the Divine.
I am grateful for all worldly wonders.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. 

Wonderful are your works; that I know very well.—Psalm 139:14

The Healing Circle

Today's Daily Word